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New Year, New Me: Right?

Each year, everyone starts off with the same saying: "new year, new me" but how many of us actually stick through with it?

New year, new me for everyone usually means making New Years resolutions that they do for a little while and then give it up. Saying is always easier then doing, so often we start the year by saying what we want to change and then we don't do the follow through.

"Studies have shown that less than 25% of people actually stay committed to their resolutions after just 30 days, and only 8% accomplish them."

I have hopes that this year for me is different then any others, I have started this year changing what I do and who I am. I wanted to start this year off stronger than ever and be able to feel confident in who I am.

Family Competition

Goals can be hard to keep but are easier when we have people keep us accountable. The beginning of January, my family decided to do a competition about who could lose the most percentage of body weight. We created a group message and everyday people send inspiring things to help everyone reach their goals. Although my family is very intense about competitions, this one has been fun and has held me accountable to really keep up on my fitness goals.

Food for Thought

“The first wealth is health.”

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Healthy eating was never an issue for me because my mom is such a great cook, she always had food for us and it was always healthy. When I moved to college on my own, that's when everything became different, I had to cook for myself and learn how to cook through a busy schedule. 2019 wasn't my healthiest year, I would get wrapped up in what I was doing and forget to eat or go out to fast food with friends. There wasn't a lot of nutrition going into my body ever. I added to my resolution to eat healthier and cook for myself. Every morning I start out with a healthy breakfast and it has helped me to function in my classes better and to stay alert, I have made sure to also eat lunch and dinner which has helped me to stay alert longer throughout the day without feeling groggy and tired. By adding healthy food to my diet, it has made my learning easier and my day-to-day activities easier.

Get Inspired

Obviously I'm not expecting everyone to have the same goals, I don'e expect everyone to jump in and workout every day or never go out to fast food ever but baby steps make a big difference and having someone to keep you accountable will help you stay on track. Good luck!


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