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Divorce and Remarriage

Not every relationship is going to be perfect. There is a chance that something will go wrong, and two people won’t be able to work it out. Some couples will turn to divorce if they really don’t believe they can work it out. This leaves room afterwards for remarriage and blending families.


Divorce can get pretty messy within a couple but especially so when there are children involved. Parents might try and hold on because they don’t want to put their children through all the pain of a divorce and they don’t want their children to have to choose sides but this could end up hurting the parents as individuals as well. Should divorces be more difficult to obtain?


Couples need to learn to work through difficulties

It is extremely traumatic for children

It leaves couples with a sense of failure, a fear of future commitments, and possible long- term trauma

Most marriages that break up could have lasted and become fulfilling if the partners had tried harder


That would force some people to stay in meaningless or even abusive marriages

Could lead to an increase in extramarital affairs

The quicker you leave a bad marriage, the sooner you can get into a fulfilling and lasting one

There is no point in adding to the pain of a bad marriage by making it more difficult to end it

Divorce is not always a bad thing, in some cases divorce can be a health-saving or even a life-saving event for an abused spouse. It can be hard to decide if this is right because you want what is best for your child and getting a divorce puts a lot of emotional and psychological damage on your child. There comes a battle for child custody and the fight between the parents with the court system.


Blended Families

The majority of those who divorce will remarry and often will join in union with someone else who has children. Blended families can be very unique but also can present many challenges. For starters they resulted from a previously failed marriage which almost always continue to have ties and there is no real model of how to make a blended family work. Every marriage is different and when blended families come together, every family has its own challenges which means no one knows exactly the right way to smoothly blend families.


Personal Experiences

My oldest sister is my half-sister, she has a different dad. My mom was married, and it wasn’t a good situation, so she left, growing up she was always my sister, I really didn’t know that she was my half-sister. My dad raised her starting at a young age, so I only considered her my sister and that was it, she wasn’t my half-sister. It could’ve been that my mom had left while my sister was still young, so she didn’t see the effects of it because she always had a dad as far as she remember.

Many of my friends have divorced parents and I have seen the effect it has on them. Each of there experiences are so different and many of them still have really good relationships with both parents and split time seeing them. Some of them have expressed the difficulty of having to choose which parent to spend which holidays with, however at the same time they enjoy it because they get more stuff getting to spend multiple holidays. I think a lot of times children try to cover up the pain of it and act like there isn’t a problem with it. However, some of my closer friends I was able to see that they were actually hurting even if they pretended.


This is a topic that is very touchy and no one knows the right answer, it is important to turn to prayer and allow our Heavenly Father to show us the way and lead us into a good decision.


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