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Gender and Family Life

Does gender have a different meaning with the world then it does compared to in the dictionary? Is 'gender typical' considered as sexist? This topic seems to be coming very sensitive but is also very prominent in our society.

Equality has become a big topic for our society because everyone wants that for their gender. However what people fail to realize is that equality doesn't mean sameness. Everyone wants to have the same opportunities but the male and female gender is very different and they can have different experiences that are considered equal.


Gender Typical- there are certain aspects of males and females that are inevitable and are traits that come with that gender for the most part.

Males Females

+ Competitive + Nurturing play

+ More body strength + Cooperative play

+ Spatial viewing + Relational viewing

+ Action oriented + Communication

+ Built aggression + Emotional

Men have more grey space meaning they focus on one thing and can easily switch off and focus on something else. While women have more white space which makes them aware of several things at once, they can't ever focus on one thing because their mind always is running with different topics.

Gender used to be defined simply as a nicer term for "sexes" plainly put male and females. Now gender is used very negatively and usually used in a way to talk down on the opposite gender and their traits or to determine the issues that come with being the other gender.

Many of the traits we have are natural traits that come with our gender and our early experiences help to shape our outcome as parents. For instance, because girls participate in nurturing play at a young age it sets them up to become nurturing moms.

While mothers roles are typically towards the nurturing side, fathers role comes in to play with the 3 P's- Provide, Preside, Protect. These roles are not meant only for in the house but also can be used to help children outside the house including friends of the children and any interaction with children.


Gender Issues

Many people use the term "homosexual" to mean someone who likes those of the same gender. In reality, someone is only homosexual when it becomes sexual. Someone who has same sex attraction in not always homosexual because they might not act on the behavior or have sexual tendencies towards the same gender.

Many people use the terms "gay" or "lesbian" for someone who likes the same gender but a better word choice to be used would be same sex attraction. This term is a nicer way to define people with these tendencies instead of categorizing them.


Gender Opinion

It is interesting to me the different views that people have on individuals who are taking over other roles.

When a girl is trying to take over a more guy role, they are often praised or celebrated for their bravery and for taking that step to fight the odds.

When a boy takes on those more "women" roles they are considered gay and automatically placed into this category.

When a girl acts more masculine she can be called a dyke or other offensive terms because she is trying to me a male and have the masculinity.

When a boy acts feminine he is considered gay but many girls want the role of the "gay best friend" and for him it is okay to be towards the other gender even if he is a boy.

These different views are fascinating to look at and see the way that different people view genders as they are and as some lean towards the opposite gender. I think everyone has their own opinion but at the same time it's hard to be fair with so many stereotypes and opinions about different genders.



The best thing is to become informed and respectfully inform others. In no way do we want to put people down or tell them they are wrong or don't know but instead simply just learn and inform those around you who may not be fully aware.

As well, everyone needs to understand their own experiences, no one can tell you your experience or tell you what it means but instead you must understand your own circumstances

Lastly, grow healthy relationships with everyone. You never know who is struggling and who needs you. You never know when you might need someone or when you can make an impact on someones life so work to grow healthy relationships.


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